Thursday, April 7, 2011

Language Death

Presentation on my book " Language Death" by David Crystal
Choosing the book “Language Death” by David Crystal really helped me  to be aware of my own situation in language. I was born in west Africa and lived there for more than fifteen year before coming   to the U.S , my first welcome and challenge was the English language because, I have been  always proud of my native language Fulani( spoken in west Africa)  and French.
In his book, Crystal divided his book into five categories.
1)What  is language death? he introduces the problem of the increasing disappearance of most of the world's tongues and how they are classified.
2)Why should we care? this second chapter, explains the loss we face in the disappearance of each language. Crystal counters myths about language diversity. The existance of so many languages, he notes, is actually good for the market, for instead of fouling up capitalism, it creates competitive advantages when company A decides to deal with a minority group in its own language while company B thinks everyone should just learn English and consequently loses business.
3)Why do languages die? language death is not a new phenomenon, and Crystal considers a number of the historical reasons for languages to become extinct. One reason languages die is because their speakers die. For most of the history of humanity, people have lived in small isolated communities, each with its own language. Imagine the people in the next town speaking a language unintelligible to you, and likewise those in every other community surrounding yours speaking a different language. This has been the linguistic landscape for most of human history. A natural disaster, such as a tsunami or earthquake, a disease or famine, could  wipe out a whole community, and the language of that community would cease to exist. Another reason for language death is political. Any advance in technology or military organization could give one speech community an edge that they would use to conquer neighboring communities. This has happened repeated throughout history on larger and larger scales. Usually, the conquerors impose their language on those they conquer. example of this in the continent of Africa. Being from there, my country Guinea main language is French because of the fact that we were colonized by the French. 

4)Where do we begin? What can be done about this? Crystal looks first at general needs: gathering information, raising awareness (both in local communities and in the international community), and fostering positive community attitudes (sometimes people don't want to save their own language). Any approach must promote the authenticity of the whole community (accepting change and recognizing all dialects) and consider language as part of broader culture.
5)What can be done? He suggests several factors which will help the languages to survive. He said that speakers themselves can help the language to advance. They should increase their prestige and legitimate power within the dominant community as well as their wealth; speakers should have a strong presence in the educational system, ability to write down the language and make use of electronic technology.
Yule vs crystal
General concept
Yule emphasizes the formation, the origin, and how we study language while crystal’s main concern is the extinction of languages.
Cultural transmission- Yule only define this term which is “ when a language is pass from generation to generation”.  In language death” crystal points this term as a solution to prevent language death. 
They all agree that each language manifests a fresh coming-together of sounds, grammar and vocabulary to form a system of communication.

Am I a prescriptivist or  descriptivist?

I like to think of myself as a prescriptivist, but I'll admit it's difficult to avoid picking up language trends through osmosis. You can look at the history of any language and see the evolution of words and their meanings (and even their spellings) over periods of time. I suppose I would just prefer to avoid anything evolving too quickly.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"LANGUAGE DEATH" by David Crystal


In  langauge Death, Crystal define the real meaning of his title. He stated "if you are the last speaker of a langauge, your language-viewed as a tool of communication- is already death". It makes completly sense. Think this way if you know a language and you have no one to speak it with then is the language alive? No. Crystal gave an example of two languages that are dead. Kasabe (in Mambila regionn of Bogon) died on 5th november 1996 and Ubuh( west Caucasian language) died on october 8th 1992. Both languages died when the moment the last speaker died.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New words

Its the act of being friend again with an old friend who at one point became an enemy .

The addition of something such as weight. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

The book " Language Death" by David Crystal

David Crystal in his book “Language Death” suggests several factors which will help the languages to survive. He claims that speakers themselves can help the language to advance. They should increase their prestige and legitimate power within the dominant community as well as their wealth; speakers should have a strong presence in the educational system, ability to write down the language and make use of electronic

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Book I choose

The book i choose is "Language Death" by David Crystal. In his book,  Crystal looks at present and future threats to languages and at what can be done to counter them. I choose this book because i believe it will give me answers to questions that am curious to know such as :How do languages die?What can be done about this?Why should we care about language death?
In "Language Death" Crystal talked about how languages die. He said " obviously a language dies if all of its speakers die as the result of genocide or natural disasters, or are scattered in such a way as to break up the language community." More commonly languages die through cultural change and language replacement, by assimilation to a "dominant" culture and language.
As an immigrant, i admit that now i rarely speak french. When I am with my parents, we speak "fulani" which is an west African dialect.When am at school or outside the dominant language is English there for its rare forme to find a french speaker in New york.
Crystal suggests six key themes in language revitalization that i can't wait to learn .

My languge story
 I was born in west Africa and lived there for more than fifteen year before coming   to the U.S , my first welcome and challenge was the English language because, I have been  always proud of my native language Fulani( spoken in west Africa)  and French.       I was so happy at first for coming to the US, seeing my father for the first time after more than half a decade was a wonderful feeling that I cannot describe. Those moments of happiness only lasted for few hours since my arrival. The next day my father took me to register for high school.
            Being admitted to August Martin High School as an ESL student changed my life and beliefs forever. I was given seven classes in my first session, where three of those classes were English to help me learn quicker, and the other classes were math, American History, Art and Earth Science. In less than two months I received my first report card. It was more than a disaster. I realized that I only passed the math class. It’s hurt me a lot not only because it was the first time I ever failed a class in my life but the reasons behind it, which were nothing other than my lack of knowledge of the language. I blamed myself for accepting to come to a country that is totally different from mine in all aspects.
I worked hard and successfully achieved and graduated but with a great sacrifice. I completely stopped speaking French. All I wanted to do is learning English and nothing more so I can not only be able to interact with others, but also be able to graduate with good grades.
Today i basically speak two languages. English when am outside my house and Fulani when i am at home or  with family members.